Call For Papers
Call for papers for the 17th Fundamental Research Symposium
The FRC has decided to postpone the 2021 Fundamental Research Symposium until 2022. Based on the ongoing uncertainty with COVID-19, we are concerned that our ability to hold a meaningful symposium in 2021 will be limited. The FRC is in agreement that it is in the best interest of our scientific community to delay the Symposium by 1 year, at which time we hope the world will be more open and safe to travelling and meeting in person. This will also allow more time to conduct and complete research, for those of you who have been hindered through much of this year. Thank you to all who have submitted an abstract. We plan to carry all the submissions forward in the review process; we will contact you directly to confirm that you would like to proceed. You will be given a chance to update your submission before the new submission deadline in 2021. We appreciate your support and participation in the Fundamental Research Symposium and look forward to seeing you in 2022. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We continue to invite prospective authors to submit an extended abstract for consideration in the symposium. Researchers working on science and engineering fundamentals for the pulp and paper industry and its interconnected operations and products, including pulp & paper manufacture, converting and printing, coatings and barriers, nanocellulose and cellulosic materials, end-use and novel applications, are all encouraged to submit an abstract. Abstracts must cover purpose, methods, and key results and should be no more than four pages in length (including all figures, diagrams, equations etc). The research should be complete, thorough, and logical; the results should be rigorous and repeatable; the conclusions should be sound and supported from the contents of the work.
The deadline for submission of extended abstracts is September 15, 2021.
We understand that the current pandemic could impact the ability of some authors to complete a full extended abstract by this date. If you intend to submit an abstract, but feel it will not be complete by September 15, 2021, we ask that you submit a partial abstract by this date with an indication of when you expect to have the final abstract prepared. Authors will be advised of the outcome of this first stage of the refereeing process towards the end of November 2021; those who are successful will be invited to submit full papers by the end of January 2022 for the second phase of the refereeing process. The deadline for the final versions of all papers will be 30th April 2022.
We receive many more submissions for the Fundamental Research Symposia than may be included in the programme. In light of this, a subsidiary event consisting of a poster session, preceded by an introductory and very brief presentation, will be held during the week of the symposium. Contributions to this event, ‘Fundamental Research Communications’, will consist of no more than four typeset pages and will be published separately from the symposium proceedings.
Abstracts submitted for the main symposium and considered by the referees to be of good quality but that are not included in the symposium programme may be considered for inclusion in this event. Authors willing to have their work considered for inclusion in Fundamental Research Communications should indicate this in the email accompanying their abstracts. This information will not be available to referees.
Abstract Submission is NOW CLOSED.
Enquiries should be sent to the Programme Secretary, Dr. D. W. Coffin: programme.secretary@ppfrs.org