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Past Proceedings

The FRC is delighted to announce a partnership with BioResources to provide Open Access to our archive of proceedings. Full papers from Fundamental Research Symposia held since 1989, including the transcripts of discussions, are now available for download from the BioResources web site; papers from earlier symposia, dating back to 1957, will be added over the coming months. Each paper includes a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and is listed on Google Scholar, which captures citations. The proceedings of the 17th Symposium, to be held in Cambridge in September 2022, and all future symposia will be available on the BioResources site shortly after the publication of the transcription of discussions.


Visit the BioResources website at:  The Fundamental Research Symposia proceedings are under Features.  

A limited number of hardback books and digital memory cards are still available.  To order any of the items below, please download the order form and send to the FRC using the contact details at the bottom of this page. Orders should ideally be sent electronically but can also be sent by post (see below for details).

Proceedings of the 16th Fundamental Research Symposium 2017

Set of 3 hardback books

£145.00 + shipping

Proceedings of the 15th Fundamental Research Symposium 2013

Set of 3 hard back books

£145.00 + shipping

Proceedings of the 14th Fundamental Research Symposium 2009

Set of 3 hardback books

£145.00 + shipping

Full Proceedings 1957 -2017 - Limited Availability!

A credit card sized memory card containing a fully searchable version of the proceedings from all 16 FRC Symposia since 1957.

£325.00 + minimal shipping.

Additional Information

Shipping for printed proceedings is normally by courier and can cost between £25 and £50 depending on location.


Send your order by email to or by post to the address below:

c/o SAS Event Management
The Old George Brewery

Rollestone Street

Salisbury SP1 1DX 


Join our mailing list to receive further information about FRC Symposia. 


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